![]() It will take some time until this volume will be published, maybe around the end of the year or the beginning of 2017. Anyway, it is already advertised on the homepage of Springer. This volume, which I co-edited together with my dear colleguaes from Salzburg, Helmut P. Gaisbauer and Clemens Sedmak, explores the philosophical, and in particular ethical, issues concerning the conceptualization, design and implementation of poverty alleviation measures from the local to the global level. It is published within the Springer book series "Studies in Global Justice", which I like a lot and is edited by Deen K. Chatterjee, who supported us from the beginning. Below you find the table of contents, so that you can start thinking about reading it, if you like what you see. In particular I am happy about the very nice endorsements that we got for this volume, one by Judith Lichtenberg and one by David Crocker. I think both are fabulous philosophers, so if they like it, it might actually be a good book. I copy both of them here because they are so nice: "An impressive collection of essays by an international group of scholars on one of the most fundamental issues of our age. The authors consider crucial aspects of poverty alleviation: the role of human rights; the connection between development aid and the alleviation of poverty; how to think about poverty within affluent countries (particularly in Europe); and individual versus collective obligations to act to reduce poverty." Judith Lichtenberg Department of Philosophy Georgetown University "This collection of essays is most welcome addition to the burgeoning treatments of poverty and inequality. What is most novel about this volume is its sustained and informed attention to the explicitly ethical aspects of poverty and poverty alleviation. What are the ethical merits and demerits of income poverty, multidimensional-capability poverty, and poverty as nonrecognition? How important is poverty alleviation in comparison to environmental protection and cultural preservation? Who or what should be agents responsible for reducing poverty? The editors concede that their volume is not the last word on these matters. But, these essays, eschewing value neutrality and a retreat into technical mastery, challenge us to find fresh and reasonable answers to these urgent questions." David A. Crocker School of Public Policy University of Maryland Comments are closed.
Gottfried Schweiger
I am a social and political philosopher. Archives
September 2018