Welcome to my website, where you can find some information about myself and my work in recent years.
I work at the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR) of the University of Salzburg, Austria and I am a member of the Philosophy Department (KTH). I also teach courses in Education and Sociology at the University of Salzburg, as well as for the BA Artificial Intelligence and the interdisciplinary BA Nutrition-Movement-Health. In recent years I was a lecturer at the Salzburg University of Education and currently I am also teaching at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich in the BA Social Work.
The main areas of my research are in social and political philosophy with a focus on poverty, social and global justice, migration, childhood and youth, social work, sports and critical theory. I make forays into Education Studies, Social Theory, and Poverty Studies from time to time and I believe disciplinary boundaries should be overcome more and more often.
Before I joined the CEPR as a Senior Scientist in 2011 I worked at the international research center (ifz), an independent institution, based also in Salzburg. Before becoming a professional philosopher I worked in PR and journalism. In 2014 I spent one semester at the philosophy department of the University of St. Gall, Switzerland, and finished during that time a research monograph on social justice and child poverty, which I co-wrote with Gunter Graf. In 2016 I was visiting researcher in Bochum, Germany, at the Chair in Political and Legal Philosophy of Corinna Mieth. I was invited to be Visiting Professor at the Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, in 2020, but had to cancel due to COVID.
Together with Johannes Drerup, I am the coordinator of the Netzwerk Philosophie der Kindheit [Network Philosophy of Childhood] - a platform for philosophers and and interested reserachers working on questions of philosophy and childhood.
I am one of the coordinators of the Thematic Group Children and Youth of the Human Development and Capabilities Association.
I think that academic philosophy should be more present in the public and in the media and I try to do this regularly That was also a reason why I founded the philosophy blog praefaktisch with Norbert Paulo. I am also available for participation in panels, interviews and talks.
Please visit also my ORCID page.
Please get in touch if you interested in my reserach, publications or one of my projects. I am always interested in establishing new collaborations. You can contact me via e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Welcome to my website, where you can find some information about myself and my work in recent years.
I work at the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR) of the University of Salzburg, Austria and I am a member of the Philosophy Department (KTH). I also teach courses in Education and Sociology at the University of Salzburg, as well as for the BA Artificial Intelligence and the interdisciplinary BA Nutrition-Movement-Health. In recent years I was a lecturer at the Salzburg University of Education and currently I am also teaching at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich in the BA Social Work.
The main areas of my research are in social and political philosophy with a focus on poverty, social and global justice, migration, childhood and youth, social work, sports and critical theory. I make forays into Education Studies, Social Theory, and Poverty Studies from time to time and I believe disciplinary boundaries should be overcome more and more often.
Before I joined the CEPR as a Senior Scientist in 2011 I worked at the international research center (ifz), an independent institution, based also in Salzburg. Before becoming a professional philosopher I worked in PR and journalism. In 2014 I spent one semester at the philosophy department of the University of St. Gall, Switzerland, and finished during that time a research monograph on social justice and child poverty, which I co-wrote with Gunter Graf. In 2016 I was visiting researcher in Bochum, Germany, at the Chair in Political and Legal Philosophy of Corinna Mieth. I was invited to be Visiting Professor at the Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, in 2020, but had to cancel due to COVID.
Together with Johannes Drerup, I am the coordinator of the Netzwerk Philosophie der Kindheit [Network Philosophy of Childhood] - a platform for philosophers and and interested reserachers working on questions of philosophy and childhood.
I am one of the coordinators of the Thematic Group Children and Youth of the Human Development and Capabilities Association.
I think that academic philosophy should be more present in the public and in the media and I try to do this regularly That was also a reason why I founded the philosophy blog praefaktisch with Norbert Paulo. I am also available for participation in panels, interviews and talks.
Please visit also my ORCID page.
Please get in touch if you interested in my reserach, publications or one of my projects. I am always interested in establishing new collaborations. You can contact me via e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]