Dates: 9 and 10 May 2019
Venue: Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg Organizers: Johannes Drerup (Koblenz-Landau) and Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg) Submissions: 750 words before 1 December 2018 to [email protected] Workshop website: Background The so-called “refugee crisis” made migration the No. 1 political topic in many countries across the globe. This is mirrored by an unprecedented height in scholarly attention, also in philosophy (to name a few of the latest: Miller 2016; Parekh 2017; Fine and Ypi 2016; Sager 2016; Mendoza 2017; Duarte et al. 2018). Surprisingly children are largely absent in the philosophical debate – a few exceptions exist (for example Lister 2018) – and also the brand new “Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Childhood and Children” (Gheaus, Calder, and De Wispelaere 2018) includes no chapter on migration. Although it could be argued that some arguments and thoughts in the philosophical literature concerned with migration in general are also applicable to children, this is a significant gap in the current research because of the particular nature and (political, moral, social, legal) status of children. This lacuna in philosophy is surprising for at least three reasons: Firstly, outside of philosophy the situation of child migration receives significant attention (for example: Sedmak, Sauer, and Gornik 2018; Sonnert and Holton 2010; Ensor and Goździak 2016; Hunner-Kreisel and Bohne 2016; Kanics et al. 2010). Secondly, children receive as much attention as never before in philosophy, in particular in political philosophy (Bagattini and Macleod 2014; Gheaus, Calder, and De Wispelaere 2018). Thirdly, the moral and political status of migrating children appears to be of obvious interest both to many areas of philosophy – since it involves among others question of justice, rights and citizenship – and to the wider public (cf. the debate about the treatment of children at the borders of the states of the European Union or between the United States and Mexico) This workshop aims to investigate a few of the most pressing philosophical questions surrounding child migration, in relation and contrast to adult migration. Six directions of inquiry can be distinguished here: (a) Different types of child migration pose different questions. Children migrate voluntary and involuntary, are forced to flee their countries, and they are often victims of trafficking. Besides conceptual questions these different forms of migration also come with different challenges, risks and harms for the children. They demand differentiated solutions to protect children’s rights and needs. (b) Children migrate alone, and in company together with other family members. The dependency of (young) children on their care-givers and guardians and the particular value of and right to family unity are another area of interest. For example, what particular rights should unaccompanied and separated minors have? How should they be treated in the context of border controls? (c) Children are different to adults in some important aspects, although the normative relevance of these differences is in debate. Talking about child migration is not possible without reflecting on the child as a particular agent. In what respect are then theories and claims about adult migration applicable to children? What makes child migration special and does this justify special treatment? Are children always, as the UNICEF claims, the most vulnerable group? (d) Child migration is an issue on the state and the global level (and also on the regional and local level). What particular obligations do individual states have towards migrating children – for example in regard to integration, citizenship or access to education and health care? Or should we better think about child migration as a problem of global justice, which demands coordinated actions of several states? (e) Child migration is not an isolated phenomenon but closely connected to a vast range of injustices: war, poverty, exploitation, desertification, expulsion. It is also important to note that many children are not able to migrate (alone) and that they are stuck in their deprivation. And many children are left behind, most often with another family member or friends. (f) Child migration, and the issues named so far, can be tackled from various normative perspectives. It can be positioned in a moral, political or legal framework, all of which can mobilize certain normative tools. To what extent are the existing political and legal tools adequate, for example the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Geneva Convention and the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees? Confirmed Speakers • Mladjo Ivanovic, Grand Valley State University • Jonathan Josefsson, Linköping University • Anna Malavisi, Western Connecticut State University • Christine Straehle, University of Ottawa • John Wall, Rutgers University Camden Call for Papers If you are interested in participating please submit an extended abstract of 750 words to [email protected]. Deadline for submissions is 1 December 2018. It is expected that draft versions of the papers are shared two weeks before the workshop. A publication of the workshop papers is envisaged. Call for Papers: 2019 Workshop in Philosophy and Poverty: Gender and Poverty, 27 & 28 June 20199/21/2018
The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR) of the University of Salzburg is happy to announce the call for papers for its 2019 Salzburg Workshop in Philosophy and Poverty. The workshop will be held at the University of Salzburg on 27 & 28 June 2019 and focus on the topic of “Gender and Poverty”. You can find more information on the website of the workshop:
The invited speaker for this workshop is Serene J. Khader (Brooklyn College & CUNY Graduate Center). We invite scholars at all career stages to submit papers related to the workshop topic of "Gender and Poverty". Possible topics for papers are, among others, the "feminization" of (global) poverty; gender roles, norms and practices and how they relate to poverty; the intersection of disadvantages based, among others, on race, gender, sex, health, age, and disability; the nexus of education, gender and poverty; the relation of (sexual) violence and poverty; patriarchy and poverty; sexuality, procreation and poverty; anti-poverty policies and gender; the blaming and shaming of poor mothers as "bad" mothers; the "black box" of the household in poverty concepts and research; gender-sensitive poverty research and measurement; gender and the socio-spatiality of poverty (e.g. rural, urban). The workshop will run over two days and each speaker will be given a slot of 75 minutes (about 25 minutes for presentation and 50 minutes for discussion). Draft papers are shared in advance and speakers can focus on the key points of their papers in the oral presentation. Selected papers will be published a volume on the workshop topic in the Springer Book Series Philosophy and Poverty. There is no conference fee. Coffee breaks and two lunches will be covered by the CEPR. Unfortunately we cannot offer any subsidy for travel and accommodation costs. If you are interested in participating please submit an extended abstract of 750 words ready for blind review via the submission form on the website of the workshop. Deadline for submissions is 15 December 2018, and decisions will be communicated within four weeks. It is expected that draft versions of the papers are shared two weeks before the workshop. If you have any quetsions please contact Gottfried Schweiger at [email protected] I am organizing a small workshop on recognition and poverty. The workshop will be held at the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR) of the University of Salzburg on 15 and 16 November 2018. Draft papers will be shared among all registered participants two weeks in advance.
Guests are welcomed but need to register via e-mail until 1 November 2018 at gottfried.schweiger[a] Address: Mönchsberg 2a, 5020 Salzburg 15 November 2018 10.00 Misrecognition and Divided Agency: Does Micro-Finance Empower Women? By David Ingram (Loyola University Chicago) 11.15 Break 11.30 Recognition, respect and political agency: the case for a deliberative approach to poverty alleviation policies By Pedro Lippmann (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Université de Rennes I.) and Katarina Fragoso (Université Catholique de Louvain) 12.45 Lunch 13.30 Universal Basic Income: A recognition-based politics against poverty By Gustavo Cunha (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis) 14.45 Break 15.00 The Recognition of Social Suffering: Duties to ‘Unblock’ Barriers to Emancipation in Global Poverty By Monica Mookherjee (Keele University) 16.15 Break 16.30 Recognition, Poverty and the Criminal Law By Javier Cigüela Sola (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) 17.45 End of Day 1 18.00 Dinner 16 November 2018 09.30 Beyond Redistribution:Recognition Theory and Global Justice By Renante Pilapil (Ateneo de Davao University) 10.45 Break 11.00 The White Working Class, Poverty, and Recognition By Dylan Rohr (University of California, Riverside) 12.15 Lunch 13.00 Fichte’s Concept of Recognition and Poverty as Material Deprivation By Esther Lea Neuhann (University of Frankfurt) 14.15 Break 14.30 The dialectic of poverty and recognition in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right By Bernardo Ferro (New University of Lisbon) 15.45 End of Day 2 Norbert Paulo and I started a new philosophy blog (publishes only posts in German)! Please visist the blog, subscribe to the newsletter via e-mail, share and follow on facebook or twitter. Thanks! "In dem Blog wird es philosophische Kommentare und Diskussionen zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen, politischen und ethischen Fragen geben. Ergänzt werden diese durch verständlich geschriebene Einblicke in philosophische Debatten, die auch außerhalb der universitären Seminarräume von Interesse sind – oder die es werden könnten. Weiter soll es regelmäßig Interviews mit bekannten und weniger bekannten Philosoph_innen geben. Wir wollen wissen, wie sie zur Philosophie gekommen sind, was sie erlebt haben und warum sie machen, was sie machen. Der Blog soll außerdem ein Forum für den Austausch über die akademische Philosophie sein – etwa darüber, welche Blüten das Drittmittelwesen und die Praxis von Peer-Review-Verfahren bei Publikationen treiben, wie sich der Job-Markt verändert, wie es um Diversity und Schulenbildung steht usw." Alex Bagattini reviews our book "A Philiosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty" (published open access by Palgrave Macmillan 2015) in the journal Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Unfortunately the review is behind a paywall. He raises some important points - our book is certainly not the end but the beginning of a longer discussion on child poverty, the capability approach, and social justice for children. He sums up: "The book by Schweiger and Graf is an inspiring reading for all those interested in the topic of child poverty. Its main virtues are: first, it applies the CA to the specific situation of children, which is still a theoretically underdeveloped domain in the theory of justice. Secondly, it links the theory of justice to child poverty."
Read the full review here: The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR) of the University of Salzburg is happy to announce the call for papers for a workshop on "Recognition and Poverty". The workshop will be held at the University of Salzburg on 15 and 16 November 2018.
The invited speaker for this workshop is David Ingram (Loyola University Chicago), who will give a talk on "Misrecognition and Divided Agency: Does Micro-Finance Empower Women?". The overall aim of this workshop is to bring together papers that explore the relation of recognition and poverty, and how (critical) theories of recognition can be utilized to enhance our understanding, evaluation and critique of poverty and social inequalities. This also includes issues of recognition in the production of poverty knowledge and in poverty research. Another possible topic is the relation of recognition to other critical normative concepts such as reification, alienation or invisibility in respect to issues of poverty. Furthermore, papers can explore anti-poverty policies, development aid and duties towards the (global) poor. Critical examinations of reflections on poverty and related issues in the work of past and present thinkers of recognition (e.g. Fichte, Hegel, Kojeve, Fanon, Taylor, Fraser, Honneth) are welcomed. This workshop hopes to contribute to the ongoing and expanding debate about recognition in ethics, political and social philosophy by focusing on poverty, which is one highly important social and global challenge. Contributions from social and political theory are also welcomed as are papers that combine conceptual and empirical work. The workshop will run over two days and each speaker will have 75 minutes (about 25 minutes for presentation and 50 minutes for discussion). Draft papers are shared in advance and speakers can focus on the key points of their paper in the oral presentation. A peer-reviewed publication of selected papers is envisaged in an edited volume on the workshop topic in the Springer Book Series Philosophy and Poverty. We expect that participants consider this option to publish their paper presented at the Workshop. There is no conference fee. Coffee breaks and two lunches will be covered by the CEPR. Unfortunately we cannot offer any subsidy for travel and accommodation costs. If you are interested in participating please submit an extended abstract of 750 words ready for blind review (in a .doc or .odt file) to [email protected]. Deadline for submissions is 1 May 2018, and decisions will be communicated within two weeks after this deadline. It is expected that draft versions of the papers are shared two weeks before the workshop. If you have any question about the workshop please contact Gottfried Schweiger at [email protected] One of the last papers I wrote together with Gunter Graf, before he left academia for good was published today (another one on children's vulnerability will be out in a few months). In this paper we explore the moral evil of corporal punishment of children, written in German and the full text is available for free via open access. Call for Papers: Workshop: Spatial In/justice: Linking Perspectives from Geography and Philosophy3/1/2018
Workshop: Spatial In/justice: Linking Perspectives from Geography and Philosophy
organized by Andreas Koch (Social Geography, Salzburg) and Gottfried Schweiger (Political Philosophy, Salzburg) 13. & 14 September 2018, University of Salzburg This workshop is part of the 2018 Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research on Space and Poverty The aim of this workshop is to facilitate an interdisciplinary discussion and exchange of ideas and knowledge between geography and philosophy on issues of spatial in/justice. Spatial in/justice is certainly of high interest to both disciplines, whether it be in the form of poverty, inequality, exclusion, marginalization or oppression or issues of rights, morality, agency or knowledge production regarding spaces. Both disciplines have produced valuable insights on these issues over the last decades and yet it seems as if they are rather separated from each other. This workshop is dedicated to explore how geographical and philosophical concepts, theories, insights and methods can learn, enrich or even criticize each other to help us to better understand spatial in/justice but also to construct better practices and policies to overcome them. This workshop is open to several different conceptual and methodological approaches and theoretical backgrounds within geography and philosophy (e.g. Structuralism, Marxism, Critical Theory, Liberalism...).
Interested colleagues are invited to submit an abstract of 500 words as a .doc or .odt file to [email protected] before March 31st 2018. Decisions will be communicated within two weeks. It is expected that draft papers are shared two weeks in advance of the workshop. A publication of the papers presented in this workshop is envisaged. Please be aware: This workshop is part of the 2018 Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research on Space and Poverty. The organizers can offer a waiver of the conference fee (100€) for paper givers in this workshop. Coffee breaks, two lunches and the conference dinner are provided but participants need to cover their travel expenses and accommodation. More information about the conference can be found on this website: New paper: Capabilities and Functionings as the ,,Currency of Justice" for Children [in German]12/6/2017
A new paper (in German) on the currency of justice for children was just published in ARSP. It should be open access but it is not yet. See the abstract and below also the published version of the paper.
Fähigkeiten und Funktionsweisen als ,,Währung der Gerechtigkeit" für Kinder [Capabilities and Functionings as the ,,Currency of Justice" for Children ] In this paper, we aim to clarify two central assumptions, which allow to specify what justice for children implies in the Capability Approach. First, we argue that an adequate currency of justice for children consists in a bundle of functionings, which develops into a bundle of capabilities in the course of childhood; the currency of justice for children is dynamic, not static. Second, we discuss how the respective functionings and capabilities should be selected. In particular, we suggest four criteria. They imply that there is not only a change through time from a bundle of functionings to a bundle of capabilities as the currency of justice for children, but that the composition of the bundle itself gets modified. Link to article on the publisher's website. Link to the PDF of the published version. Call for Abstracts: Global Justice for Children
Journal of Global Ethics Special Issue edited by Gottfried Schweiger and Johannes Drerup Important Dates: Submission of Abstracts (500 words): 1 June 2018 Submission of Full Papers (6000-8000 words): 1 December 2018 Direct enquiries and submissions to: [email protected]…/rjge-si-global-children Children are a group that has been neglected in most theories of global justice so far, which is especially striking since children are victims of severe injustices, face several disadvantages compared to adults and nearly all indicators to measure global injustice show that they are a particular deprived group. For example, children show higher rates of poverty in most developing countries as well as in developed countries. Many children are undernourished and malnourished; they are exploited through forced labor, sexual abuse and trafficking; and they are recruited as combatants in violent conflicts. There is therefore a strong need for improvements in the lives of children around the world. However, what global justice demands for children and how it can be achieved has not been fleshed out in detail. Certainly, there are important policy approaches available, like the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Sustainable Development Goals, and monitoring initiatives such as UNICEF’s Innocenti Report Cards. Longstanding philosophical literature on children’s rights has recently been complemented by first steps to modify existing theories of global justice, such as the Capability Approach, to fit for children. Much more reflection and research is needed nonetheless. Thus the aim of this Special Issue is to advance our understanding of the place of children in theories of global justice, both to indicate what global justice for children demands and to establish how justice can be achieved and sustained. Children are different from adults in several important ways and in regard to, for example, their physical, cognitive and emotional development as well as their social status. But such widely held assumptions about children as particularly vulnerable and worthy of protection are not fully accounted for. Furthermore, the particularity of childhood makes it necessary to think about child-sensitive and child-specific responses to the injustices they face and how they can be implemented on a global level. Most policy measures that fit for adults often do not fit well for children, and concerns of intergenerational justice may apply to their case, as they apply for generations to come. Adult-focused moral and political theories have to be extended, modified or substantially altered in order to apply to children. This holds also for the applied field of global justice, in which philosophical theories about childhood have not had an international focus so far. We look for contributions that will deepen and broaden understanding of the current situation of children globally, regarding both the injustices they face and how these injustices may be faced. Contributions could also further advance ongoing debates on the moral and justice-based entitlements of children and their rights (and also duties) on a global scale. We also welcome papers that analyze and scrutinize the responsibilities of actors and agents of global justice for children, and writing that helps to devise policies to improve children’s lives. We hope to attract contributions from different theoretical approaches and backgrounds, especially including those outside of the mainstream of theories of global justice. Of particular interest are contributions that look into the intersection of disadvantages and injustices in children's lives based on their gender and sex, race, ethnicity, indigeneity or health status. Contributions from scholars based in the Global South are particularly encouraged. Submission Details Manuscripts (of 6000-8000 words) should be compiled in the following order: Author name(s) and title on first page; title, abstract (200 words) and five keywords on second page; main text (set for blind review); acknowledgments; references; appendices (if appropriate). Style guidelines:…/autho…/style/layout/tf_quick1-4.pdf…/authors/style/quickref/tf_F.pdf |
Gottfried Schweiger
I am a social and political philosopher. Archives
September 2018